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At Night

Jan 15, 2024

Today let’s take a few moments to breathe deeply, sit back and meditate on Psalm 61 and 62.

Dec 15, 2023

When I'm the most tangled up inside my thoughts, my worries and my obsession over things I can’t change is when I need to decide I’m going to trust God no matter what is going on inside my mind. 

I just really need to trust Him ... That’s what it comes down to. 

So today I’m going to do that. Let’s take a...

Nov 15, 2023

I have this habit of mentally jumping too far into the future, and then deciding I’m going to be afraid of it. Of whatever might be there waiting for me. I fear that a new problem or crisis will come crashing into my life, or more commonly, what current hard thing will be so much worse by then?

I fear sickness, loss,...

May 16, 2023

Sleep is necessary to good health in both the mental and physical sense, so when it’s elusive and feels out of my reach, I start to spiral and question everything.

I even let myself believe that God has forgotten me, because why would something as simple and vital as nighttime rest be unavailable to me? 


Apr 15, 2023


When walking through daily frustration, sadness, ongoing sickness, chronic pain, disappointment or deep heartbreak, it’s easy to slip into the mindset that God has forgotten all about me, and has sidelined me from His loving and watchful eye. 

It’s easy to assume that if He saw me and loved me, that He would never...